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tankpool24 fuel card

The tankpool24 fuel card offers you low-cost, secure and uncomplicated access to high quality products - all over Europe. With our fuel card systems, security comes first. All cards are equipped with a system pin and can be blocked swiftly if lost. The driver's license can be checked directly during the refuelling process using an NFC token.


Our fuel cards systems


Refuel with the official driver card. The revolution on the fuel cards market.

With this new technology, conventional fuel cards suddenly look really old. With DS card + drive and tankpool24, refuelling can be carried out easily, conveniently and securely with the official driver card.

  • you do not need another fuel card on board
  • easy to register in our Online Customer Portal or with our Customer Support Team


Manual (PDF)


Refuel with the contactless NFC-card within Germany

  • Can be used for 1- card as well as 2-cards system
  • To start the refuelling, hold the fuel card close to the sensor of the automatic dispenser

User manual (PDF)

Refuel with the hybrid card in Germany and Europe

  • At the gas stations outside of Germany (all acceptance points in Europe) the hybrid card works via the magnetic strip on the back by swiping it through the card reader.

  • At the gas stations in Germany you can refuel contactless like with the NFC card. Simply hold the card in front of the reader at the fuel dispenser.

User manual (PDF)

LNG Card_web-73917eb6

Refuel with the LNG-Card

  • From now on our tankpool24 customers have a constantly growing network of LNG gas stations available.
  • The safety briefing can be held conveniently via online training or directly on site.

We are looking forward to helping you with this. Give us a call: +49 421 396 99 816


Refuel with the 2-cards system

  • Every driver receives a driver card on his name.
  • The vehicle is equipped with one card for the vehicle`s license plate.
  • This means that every driver can refuel every vehicle in your fleet. But only if he/ she has both cards with him/her on board.

User manual (PDF)


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