of Diersch & Schröder Group
in accordance with the whistleblower protection act and the supply chain due diligence law
Diersch & Schröder GmbH & Co KG has - on behalf of the entire DS Group - installed a whistleblower system that enables employees, business partners and third parties to report incidents, actions and risks. All employees, business partners and third parties herewith receive the opportunity to draw attention to violations. In this way, undesirable consequences can be limited and comparable misconduct can be avoided in the future. In order to guarantee absolute confidentiality and anonymity (if requested by the whistleblower), the management has appointed an external Whistleblowing Officer who is the recipient of all reports for the DS Group.
For more information about the DS Group whistleblowing process, click here:
Information on Whistleblowing-Process of the Diersch & Schröder Group (PDF) (267.5 KiB)